Required Information:
Loan Amount
- Loan Terms
- Short brief on borrowers and sponsors background
- Borrowing Purpose
- Exit Strategy
- First Mortgage Outstanding Amount (if Applicable)
We provide a concise funding table detailing the following:
- Loan Amount
- Interest Rate
- Terms
- Fees
- Net Proceeds to Borrower
All terms are negotiable, and the table can be adjusted to suit your needs.
Required Information:
Security Detail
- Security Address
- Council Rates
- Valuation Report (Preferably)
Proof of Identity
- Borrower Company ASIC Extract
- Guarantor ID
Financial Doc
- Bank statement (First Mortgage)
- A&L Statement
A conditional approval term sheet is issued for the borrower to sign and accept, along with payment of the deposit.
The lawyer prepares the loan documents for both parties to sign. Once completed, the proceeds are disbursed according to the payment instructions.